I’m introducing a new dress code: glamorous but casual. Glasual is about clothes that bring a bit of joy
There are few occasions with hard-and-fast dress codes these days. You would think this would make the business of what to wear easier, but in fact it makes it tougher. It’s all very well, in principle, being free to do your own thing, go your own way, choose your own path, etc. But sometimes it would be quite helpful to have guard rails to hang on to when you are at risk of falling flat on your face and making an idiot of yourself in public, you know?
So I’m introducing a new dress code, which we can call glasual. Meaning, obviously, glamorous but casual. Glasual is completely different from smart casual, in case you were wondering. Smart casual is about bringing a dash of formality to a casual look. Glasual is about bringing a dash of extra fun, added energy, instead. Smart casual is serving up a vodka tonic with a neat slice of lime and a linen napkin on the side. Glasual is adding an extra slosh of vodka.
Related: How to dress for walk-life balance | Jess Cartner-Morley
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