A ruffle the width of a ribbon is apologetic and domestic, like piping on a cake. A mega-frill is anything but
Upspeak, when your sentences end on a rising note, gives whatever you say a hesitant, half-baked air. You make a statement, but then turn it into a question. Unmoored by a full stop, the words drift off, leaving you undermining your own opinion.
A cutesy ruffle or sweet little frill is the wardrobe equivalent of upspeak. It puts a question mark against what your otherwise sharp-edged outfit is saying about you. “I’m wearing a shirt… I guess? Maybe it’s a nightie? I’m not sure?” That is the message, when you choose a shirt with a ruffled neckline, or a lacy frill alongside the buttons.
Related: What I wore this week: bright patches | Jess Cartner-Morley
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