Shirt-first dressing sets the tone for the rest of your outfit – just choose colour and stripes over perfect white
Recently I stumbled across the concept of getting dressed “shirt-first”, and it’s my new favourite thing. Please try it. A great shirt turns out to be a magic ingredient that pulls an outfit together in moments. Getting dressed shirt-first is a speedy, drama-free morning formula that makes you feel like an effortlessly competent grownup. It works, it feels fresh without being try-hard and, well, I just think you should give it a go.
The cotton button-down shirt that I used to think of as a Work Shirt is now a hero piece around which to build an outfit. In fashion speak: the Power Shirt is a thing. This is a non-trend trend too, which aims to look current rather than shoutily fashionable – like, say, a trenchcoat – and tends to hold steady for years without overexposure.
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